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How Does Body Image And Environmentalism Intersect?

When we look at environmentalism from a body image perspective, we can learn a lot about how we treat the environment by how we treat our bodies. I believe that when we have a good relationship with our bodies, we in turn, have a good, or better, relationship to the environment. I have certainly seen this shift within myself!

a graphic of four images of Kayleigh all posing in various outfits. She is confident and happy. The background is a colourful gradient.

But how does loving our bodies make us love the planet?

When we gain a healthy relationship with our body, we start to treat it differently in many ways. Today we'll be discussing topics about clothing, activity, food, and spirituality, and how they intersect with body image and environmentalism.

clothing + environmentalism

When we have a healthy relationship with our bodies, we may take another look at the clothes we wear. We might get rid of all of the clothes that are a few sizes too small, or a few sizes too big, or we might start dressing differently altogether.

I noticed that when I gained a better relationship with my body I did just that.

I started looking at where I was buying my clothes from, what materials the clothes were made from, where were they made, and were they ethically made? I chose to quit fast fashion and only buy second-hand items or ethically made items, and had to really think about how the piece of clothing would look and feel on my body. By nurturing a positive relationship with my body, I am now consuming less, and buying items that have already been made.

activity + envirnmentalism

We may look at the time we spend outside differently - by having a positive relationship with your body, do you now spend more time outside, whereas before always worrying about what people will think of your appearance? Are you enjoying a trip to the beach with your friends, where before you would just sit on the side not wanting to enjoy the sea? Perhaps you're going on hikes in nature more?

Spending time in nature, and enjoying it, all plays a part in how we treat it as a whole.

Nature can connect you to your body in so many ways - by touch, smell, taste, and all kinds of other sensations. By spending more time in green and blue spaces, we gain an appreciation and love for them, ultimately ending in positive care and stewardship.

food + enrironmentalism

My relationship with food has greatly improved since I've fostered a better relationship with my body. Whereas before I would be stuck in a cycle of binge-eating food that only fed my soul and gave me great comfort, I now eat food that tastes good, makes me feel good, and nourishes my body and soul.

This change has made me think about what I'm putting in my body. Am I getting enough vegetables? Is the food I'm eating sourced locally? Can I grow my own food? Are there any foods I can cut out, like meat and dairy?

Our food choices can not only benefit our bodies but also benefit our planet!

spirituality + environmentalism

Spirituality is probably the area in which I feel I have grown the most. Ever since fostering a better relationship with my body, it has made me very aware of its place in the universe. Why am I here, and why do I exist as I do now?

I'm not religious, but I would say that I am spiritual. I believe that there is a higher power, and it's the Universe/Mother Nature.

I feel a deep connection to my body and to the world around me through the Universe.

in conclusion

There are so many ways that loving our bodies intersects with environmentalism, and that was just a few of them. As my relationship to my body changes and evolves, I hope that my relationship with the world around me does too.

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