The winter season has been notoriously difficult for many these past few years. For me, personally, they have been a real struggle, especially since Covid hit.
Trying to find joy in Winter has been difficult, but not impossible. I never used to get phased by the coming darkness, but ever since I had Covid and had to get rushed to A+E, something in me changed. The darkness of Winter suddenly became synonymous with horrible illness, fear, isolation, dread, and anxiety.
The good news is, is that this feeling doesn't last forever, and I'd love to share with you some things that have really helped me get acquainted with the colder months.
Embracing The Darkness
I feel like ever since we were little we've always been afraid or have been told to be afraid of the dark. It's only been recently that I've been learning to embrace it. Darkness is only the absence of light, so let's create some light of our own. Embracing this time to get cozy and warm has helped me tremendously.
Sitting in darkness, like actually sitting in a room with the lights off and meditating, has been a big help. Personally, I'm so afraid that something will happen to me whilst I'm sleeping, for example, waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to breathe, or something happening to me where I'm not able to wake up my partner sleeping beside me. I think this comes back to me getting COVID and having to be rushed to A+E very late at night, my brain just always thinks something bad will happen at bedtime, which annoyingly makes it difficult for me to sleep as that's when my anxiety peaks.
When meditating, I like to repeat some phrases and affirmations that help calm me down, and I hope they can help you too.
'The darkness is here now, but the sun will rise again'
'I am in perfect health, and I am very thankful'
'The dark isn't always dark, I've got the moon to light my way, the sun will rise in the morning to gently start my day'
The darkness also gives us the opportunity to place fairy lights EVERYWHERE (let's not forget Christmas lights too!), and for that, I am very thankful! I love making my spaces cozy, and soft, warm lighting, and also many many candles, really helps bring in that cozy mood and feeling. Snuggling up with a blanket, thick socks and my favorite jammies always put me at ease and make the darkness and cold more bearable
Marveling At Nature
As bleak and uninviting as Winter can often seem, I've taken it upon myself to really get immersed in nature and being outdoors. Wrapping up and going for a brisk walk on the seafront is one of my favorite things to do at the moment, and it gets even better when you bring your favorite hot drink with you. Watching the waves crash and feeling the cold wind on your cheeks really livens up your spirit, and also really tires me out, so by the end of the day, I can go to sleep almost instantly, which is FAB.
I also love going for morning walks, and I do this every day (and evening) as it's the time I walk the dog. Seeing the glittering dew on the grass in the morning is quite magical, and although it hasn't gotten cold enough yet for the mornings to be frosty, I'm looking forward to the mornings when it finally is!
An appreciation for nature has really helped ease my anxiety with Winter, as the season teaches us that within the death and decay of Winter, new life comes from it, reborn - just like the ever presence of an upcoming Spring. A beautiful cycle that we are all a part of and all go through. I find peace in the knowledge that nature too takes time to decompose, to only come back more beautiful and stronger in the Spring.
Seasonal Festivities
The Winter season brings with it many festivities, especially in the northern hemisphere where colder seasonal festivities take place, and I don't think there's anything better than wrapping up and going to visit your local Christmas market. I know around where I live there are a handful of Christmas events, such as Christmas light switch on's, Christmas craft fairs, and Christmas markets, all with seasonal foods and gifts. Embracing all of what the colder seasons have to offer always brings me joy, even if they mainly come in the shape of food!
One seasonal festivity I'd love to partake in this year is the Winter Solstice. I love learning about our traditional roots, especially in the UK as I feel we are now such a beautiful amalgamation of all different kinds of cultures, going back to very ancient traditions has always fascinated me. The Winter solstice is the longest night, celebrated on the evening of 22nd December 2022 - where the darkness far outweighs the light. I still don't know what I'm going to do to celebrate, but on the morning of the 23rd of December, I think I would like to watch the sunrise, as from that moment on, the days are going to get longer, and I think it will bring me a lot of peace and joy.
I hope you are able to find peace, joy, and comfort this Winter season, and I hope you've taken away a few things you can do to help you enjoy the season even more.
Kayleigh x